Design and Construction of Wood Products – Bachelor

Design and Construction of Wood Products – Bachelor

The program Design and Construction of Wood Products offers students the highest international standards of education in this field. The content and structuring of this program comes as a result of the increased demands of the subjects, which deal with the activity of the furniture and the design of the interior spaces. The program offers courses with contemporary and flexible content, which continuously follow the requirements of local and international industry, thus creating professional staff that will help the economic development of the country.

The aim
The program, with the opportunities it offers in achieving the objectives, aims to prepare students who will professionally perform various activities in manufacturing enterprises, mainly in those enterprises which deal with the production of interior, with a focus on furniture and other enterprises which also deal with wooden constructions.

General objectives
In order for future students to succeed in a competitive and changing environment, the University offers them theoretical and practical teaching that helps them:

  • Know how to sketch the product;
  • demonstrate critical thinking skills in solving complex design problems and product constructions that will be produced;
  • implement technical skills, which must be undertaken to produce the product;
  • apply problem-solving and decision-making processes, in cases of design and constructive solutions of the product that will be produced;
  • practice effective communication skills with enterprise employees and
  • know how to calculate the price of the product and know how to manage the produce of the products.

Employment opportunities in the future
Upon completion of studies, the graduate would be able to work at:

  • designing interior spaces,
  • designing interior spaces in collective and individual residential buildings,
  • design (projecting) studio,
  • educational process,
  • furniture and interior manufacturing companies,
  • enterprises where internal application software is used, or
  • businesses and product management companies.
A Scientific Panel was held on the topic “Impact and Advantages of the Circular Economy on Businesses”

At the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj (UASF), a Scientific Roundtable was held on the topic “”Impact and Advantages of the Circular Economy on Businesses”, where professors from the fields of economics, architecture, engineering and wood Technology participated from local and international Universities. This post is also available in: Albanian

This post is also available in: Albanian