Architecture and Interior Design with Wood Production – Master

Architecture and Interior Design with Wood Production – Master

The program Architecture and Interior Design with Wood Products, at the master level, was designed based on the demands of the labor market as well as through a close cooperation with the business community. Therefore, we can say that the program fulfills many shortcomings of the labor market in Kosovo, qualifying students with adequate knowledge and skills, which can be applied in the future.

The aim
The program of Architecture and Interior Design with Wood Products aims to develop professional staff in the field of interior design and architecture, focusing on the development of design and production of wood products using modern technology and applications, which are implemented today in our country and beyond, and to suit the demands of the labor market.

General objectives
In order for future students to succeed in a competitive and changing environment, the University offers them theoretical and practical teaching that helps them:

  • categorize anthropometric (body) dimensions and adjust product dimensions according to these requirements;
  • design interior spaces (commercial and non-commercial);
  • design interior products (furniture, wall coverings, etc.);
  • set criteria for product design;
  • apply and justify interior colors and lighting;
  • use modern computer programs (CAD, 3DMAX, ArchiCAD, Fusion, Rhino, Alphacam Creo, etc.) to design and analyze / simulate the operation of the designed product;të planifikojnë, iniciojnë dhe ekzekutojnë projekte të ndryshme inxhinierike.
  • to manage products and groups (families) of products, from the idea, design to its development throughout its life cycle;
  • work individually and in groups on theoretical and practical problems (finding and applying adequate scientific research methods);
  • work individually and in groups on theoretical and practical problems (finding and applying adequate scientific research methods);
  • understand the complexity of the production operations process and its impact on furniture design,
  • analyze environmental protection and the use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • manage branding and strategic design and
  • Manage products
A Scientific Panel was held on the topic “Impact and Advantages of the Circular Economy on Businesses”

At the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj (UASF), a Scientific Roundtable was held on the topic “”Impact and Advantages of the Circular Economy on Businesses”, where professors from the fields of economics, architecture, engineering and wood Technology participated from local and international Universities. This post is also available in: Albanian

This post is also available in: Albanian