Graphic Design and Multimedia 2022/2023 – Bachelor

Graphic Design and Multimedia 2022/2023 – Bachelor

The Graphic Design and Multimedia Program was designed based on the demands of the labor market and the requirements of the Industrial Board, which operates within the University. Based on these requirements the program will qualify professional staff with skills in graphic design services, who are able to use modern technology.

The goal of the program is to develop specialized professionals in the field of Graphic Design, focusing on Graphic Design Services using the latest technology and applications, which easily meet the demands of the labour market.

Overall objectives

In order for students to succeed in the future, in a competitive environment that is constantly changing, the University offers them theoretical and practical lessons, which helps to:

  • Analyse various professional problems
  • Apply their knowledge and skills in various fields in the implementation of design activities
  • Communicate and present their work using academic language and professional Terminology both in front of professionals and the general public
  • Contribute to new ways of thinking and innovative processes
  • Continue their scientific and professional studies

Employment opportunities in the future
Upon completion of studies, the graduate would be able to work as:

  • Work individually and collectively on theoretical and practical issues (finding and applying adequate methods of scientific research);
  • Understand the complexity of the process of operations;
  • Apply modern methods of quality management in order to increase efficiency;
  • Use modern computer programs (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Open-source web (WordPress) etc.) in designing and providing graphic design, printing and multimedia services.
  • Utilize modern computer programs;
  • Plan, initiate and execute various engineering projects;
  • Manage Graphic Design projects from the idea, design to development throughout their lifecycle;
  • Manage occupational safety and security and maintain the environment.

Fisnik Halili, student in the first year of the study program of Graphic Design and Multimedia:

“With the work being done, I can say that the University is opening new avenues for us to master the skills, through which I strongly believe that we will easily find ourselves in the job market.”

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