Industrial Management – Bachelor

Business Management and Entrepreneurship – Bachelor

The three-year program “Business Management and Entrepreneurship” within the Faculty of Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, will offer students contemporary theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of business and entrepreneurial thinking, in innovations, in planning business activities, knowledge of business communication, and other knowledge, skills and abilities related to Business and Entrepreneurship Management. The program offers a new approach to learning individually and in groups, for solving theoretical and practical problems, finding and applying adequate research methods. Students also plan, initiate and execute various projects in the field of management.

Economic developments at the national and international level have determined the need to study the field of Business Management and Entrepreneurship development, by studying this field students gain knowledge that has an international character. The purpose of this program is to develop specialized cadres of professionals in the field of business management and the creation of a spirit of thinking for the entrepreneur, which cadres in the future will help in the structure and organization of businesses in the country and beyond. and in this way they continuously affect the economic development of our country and beyond.

Overall objectives

The objective of the Bachelor study program “Business Management and Entrepreneurship” is to provide students with appropriate knowledge in the field of business management and entrepreneurship:

  • The development of successful business managers who apply contemporary management methods in addressing the continuous changes in the business environment in order to improve the company’s competitive position.
  • Development in successful entrepreneurs who are able to identify their development potentials in a successful and sustainable entrepreneurship.

In a highly competitive and constantly changing economic environment, the program – through the subjects that are taught and the practice that is applied – offers theoretical and practical learning for the development of specific knowledge, competences and skills, through which students will be able to:

  • develop effective skills in written and oral communication using appropriate methods and technologies;
  • collaborate effectively in a group with colleagues who have different experience, skills and individual skills to achieve common goals;
  • demonstrate basic knowledge in numerical and financial analysis for successful business planning
  • know resource management, ethical, environmental and legislative issues during the decision-making process in business;
  • use appropriate strategic tools in the decision-making process to solve complex problems analytically, critically and innovatively;
  • demonstrate skills and knowledge of general management and project management (MS Project Management), as well as their application in practical business situations;
  • realize the use of traditional and digital marketing and sales methods;
  • identify the supply chain links and production processes as well as their implication in the product development process;
  • understand the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, sustainable entrepreneurship as well as innovations and future development trends;
  • recognize the problems facing the local and global economy as well as the ability to identify business opportunities for entrepreneurs;
  • know what is needed for the identification, exploitation and further development of new opportunities (products and services);

Employment opportunities in the future

After completing their studies, graduates will be able to work in public and private institutions, which may be:

  • In various government agencies in monitoring the development of Entrepreneurship and Business;
  • Within various Ministries;
  • In public enterprises;
  • Manager of systems in the organization;
  • Operations consultant;
  • Manager in the organization;
  • Product developer/manager;
  • General manager in various organizations;
  • Self-employed and entrepreneur;
  • Project Manager;
A Scientific Panel was held on the topic “Impact and Advantages of the Circular Economy on Businesses”

At the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj (UASF), a Scientific Roundtable was held on the topic “”Impact and Advantages of the Circular Economy on Businesses”, where professors from the fields of economics, architecture, engineering and wood Technology participated from local and international Universities. This post is also available in: Albanian

This post is also available in: Albanian