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Rector Bajraktari is attending the 12th European Quality Assurance Forum in Latvia
- November 25, 2017
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Fakulteti i Arkitekturës, Dizajnit dhe Teknologjisë së Drurit Fakulteti i Inxhinierisë dhe Informatikë Fakulteti i Menaxhimit Fakulteti i Turizmit dhe Mjedisit
Rector of the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj (UASF), Prof. Dr. Agron Bajraktari and the Vice Rector for International Relations and Quality Assurance Prof. Dr. Bujar Pira, are attending the 12th European Quality Assurance Forum, which is taking place at the University of Latvia in Riga.
This Forum is organized by the European University Association, provides a platfrom for discussion, profesional development and exchange of experiences among the main stakeholders in quality assurance.
The three-day forum, entitled “Responsible QA: committing to impact”, will combine practice-oriented or research based discussions that will take place in the paper sessions and workshops with presentations of current developments in quality assurance.
QA, whether aiming at accountability or enhancement, needs to be carried out in a transparent and responsible manner. This means finding ways of responding to the needs and interests of internal and external stakeholders. The 12th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) will explore how this can be done in practice, examining issues such as communication, ethics and the concept of change in QA.
Participant in this Forum is also the Rector of University of Prizren, Prof. Dr. Ramë Vataj, representatives of the University of Prishtina, representatives from the Kosovo Accredition Agency, officers for quality assurance in higher education institutions.
Pjesëmarrës në Forum është edhe rektori i Universitetit të Prizrenit, Prof. Dr. Ramë Vataj, përfaqësues të Universitetit të Prishtinës, përfaqësues të Agjencisë së Akreditimit të Kosovës, zyrtarë për sigurimin e cilësisë në institucione të arsimit të lartë.
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