Today, on May 29, the Rector of the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, Prof. Dr. Agron Bajraktari, received representatives from the German Embassy in Kosovo.

During the meeting they had with the Rector, they mainly discussed the achievements of our University, as well as the opportunities for future cooperation. During the meeting, it was also emphasized that our university, the only one in Kosovo offers German, as a compulsory subject, in all bachelor’s degree programs.

The purpose of today’s visit was the presentation, to the staff of the university and students, of the work funded by the German government entitled “Germany and Kosovo – the History of a Partnership”.

In the introductory speech, the Rector, Prof. Dr. Bajraktari thanked the guests for their interest in the German government and the purpose of their visit. Germany’s support has not been lacking even in the most difficult days of our country, he further stressed. At the time when Kosovo fought for freedom, among other peoples, the German people also came to their aid. Their support, during those difficult years for us, helped us to live and act freely today. Thanks to our friends who helped us to liberate our Kosovo, and are also helping us in state building, we are here today and can talk about this historical cooperation that dates for centuries, the rector added.

In their presentation Mr. Seewald of Mr. Unkauf spoke about collaborations that Germany and Kosovo have been for many years, stressing that the support of the Germans, with their representation through KFOR and other organizations, has not been lacking even in the most difficult days in Kosovo.

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